Yes you can as I use It all the time for my rats and have done for the last 3 years. I put it on the base of the cage and put in shredded newspaper as bedding and It has done no damage to my animals as I have 3 year old rat and if it can poison them she would have died a long time ago.Can I use shredded newspaper for rodent beding?
Give them cereal boxes and other paperboard (not corrugated, the glue isn't good for them) and they will shred it themselves. They love to do it and it is good for them.Can I use shredded newspaper for rodent beding?
i dont see why not, i used shredded paper for my hamsters bedding, it was fine.
yeah! you can its a simple and cheaper way for
bedding for e.g hampsters and gerbils.
so yes is your answer!
thank you.
The best kind of bedding for hamsters is Aspen bedding. If you can not find Aspen, then critter care is also a good one to get ( never use ceder or pine bedding for hamsters. It is toxic to them and it can kill them).
For nesting, cotton balls work great, they are inexpensive and hamsters love them. You only need to put about 10-12 cotton balls in the cage. You don't need anything special for your hamster to burrow. They use their bedding for that.
( this is a pretty controversial subject in the “hamster world”)
- Choices include:
Wood shavings,
Aspen shavings
CareFRESH® pet bedding - which is a patented pet bedding made from reclaimed wood pulp waste. (here is the website for more information:
- plain, white, unscented toilet paper is cheap and makes it easy for the hamster to make a nice, cozy bed.
The following should NEVER be used in your hamster cage:
Cedar shavings
shredded paper from an office
cotton, wool or any form of “fluffy” bedding
cat litter
Sand “Dust”
towels or material
No, newspaper is not good to put in your hamster's cage because it contains ink, and if the hamster puts it in its cheeks, or eats it, he will die, so NO NEWSPAPER!! But, toliet paper is a great alternative.
no sometimes they eat it and the ink will make them sick u should try getting the stuff from pet co
absolutely not! newspaper is covered in ink, and rodents will generally like to tear the bedding apart or eat it, and the ink can cause disgestive problems in the rodent, which can over time poision them and kill them
wood shavings are good, examples are pine, cedar, and aspen shavings, which are available at pet stores, HOWEVER hamsters CAN NOT be given cedar or pine shavings, when urniated on, they relase toxins in the air that will kill the hamster over time, aspen shavings are the only shavings that are ok for hamsters, cedar and pine can be given to all other rodents, just not hamsters (that includes both syrain and dwarf hamsters)
toliet paper and paper towel pieces also work for bedding, you could also use pieces of computer paper, but it would need to be crumpled up a few times before put in the cage so it is soft and won't cut their feet, make sure it isn't glossy paper either, but it usually doesn't absorb much and doesn't help with smell at all, and it would usually need to cleaned up every 4 days instead of every week like other beddings
timothy hay also works as a bedding for most rodents, alpha hay should be more of a snack than a floor coverage, but for guinea pigs, they will probably just eat it all, and there will be no more bedding to cover the ground of the cage, so you should make specific eating hay, and a different floor coverage
depending on which rodent you are talking about, it varries what you can give them, carefresh is a good bedding for all rodents, but it can sometimes get a little pricey, but i defiantly recommend it because it handles the smell very well and comes in colors
EDIT:according to Home Schooled Rat Freak, pine and cedar can not be given to other rodents, but some will argue that it can be given to rats because it doesn't affect them, while it is true that hamsters are more sensitive to the pine and cedar toxins, i acutally am not sure if it affects other rodents, as a percaution i wouldn't buy cedar or pine at all really, i know i wouldn't want to risk it
No. The ink will poison them. Use shredded plain paper, or buy some proper bedding from the pet shop
no, the ink can make them sick or even give them trouble breathing. And they have a big deal about cleaning too, since rodents are really clean. They drive themselves nuts trying to stay ink-free.
no but you could read them it may help you to spell properly
you ';can'; use it but it is defenitly not the best bedding...if the newspaper has ink it couls be toxis for your rodent... try ';carefresh'; it is the only one i use...aalso u can try ';yesterday's news'; thats a good bedding too
Yes but yesterdays news and carefresh are much better.
bandE:D, ANY wood based bedding are toxic to rats, mice, hammys, gerbils, rabbits, dogs, cats, birds and ANY OTHER ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… are NOT caring about other pets, ';it is ok for any other animal BUT hamsters';!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!… MAN! You NEED to think!
Yes you can but dont use sawdust as it gets into the eyes of the pets and can result in blindness.
some people would say yes but a hamster breeder that lives neer me says that you cant because it gets ink poisening from it wen it eats it
No, the ink is poisonous. I used to use woodshaving and then put toilet roll/kitchen roll in for them to make a cosy bed.
ye u can shurly do that bc i dont see why not i mean its like the same
Yes. Its much better than the grass stuff. Because the grass can irritate their eyes.
yes, you are meant to anyway lol.
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