i would say a pet mouse..they are very social, cute, fun, and they don't bite much..a hamster sleeps all day and isn't all that much fun, but they are cute...a gerbil is a great pet too. They just seem to bite a little more that mice do..good luck on choosing your rodent =]What is the best type of rodent to get?
Gerbil- very funny to watch but too fast to cuddle, scamper all over the place and hard to catch.
Mouse- sort of the same as gerbil, small and hard to catch but entertaining
Rat- Cuddly and intelligent. Rats can be trained like a dog, they're very clever and also like cuddles a lot. But beware, a rat will probably need cleaning out more than the others because the smell is awful!
Hamster- these are in between all the others in speed. We've had hamsters which speed all over the place and some which are happy to be held in your lap and stroked. Nearly all hamsters slow down in old age and can be cuddled lots. Just a word of warning- hamsters are nocturnal so it might not be the best idea to have one in your room. Then again, I had a pair of guinea pigs living in my room for the winter and they wouldn't shut up, squeaked all night long and they're not supposed to be nocturnal
Also, the most popular type of hamster (syrian) only likes to live alone, otherwise they can fight and kill each other (really, it has happened to friends of mine, syrian hamsters are very territorial) but I think all the other pets I mentioned can be kept in pairs.
I would get a gerbil, they are friendly, generally not too bitey (unlike some breeds of hamsters) and are not nocturnal so will spend some daylight hours awake so you can play with them. They are also fairly clean and not as smelly as some other rodents (due to them being originally desert animals so they don't pee as much!). Most rodents are quite sociable however, so unless you are going to be around a lot, I would try and get 2 of the same sex so they can keep each other company (and you don't have to deal with any pups!)
The problem with most rodents is the odor.
You might consider a degu. They have no urine odor.
They look similar to a gerbil but larger. They are EXTREMELY social and LOVE human interaction. They are longer lived than a gerbil, mouse, rat etc. It is not uncommon for them to reach 8yrs or older. They eat pellets and a mixture of guinea pig and chinchilla pellets is ideal. They are housed the same as anyother rodent but as they are a bit larger than a rat of course need a larger set up. Look them up they are truely an awesome pet. I myself am partial to chinchillas but if you are looking for a pet that you can interact with and bond with I would say Degu first choice and rat second as rats do make good buddies too. The other rodents you mentioned will tolerate humans and being handled but would rather be left to being observed rather than being handled.
The only drawback to degus is that they do cost more to purchase.
Best of luck to you.
I would get a pair of rats. If your parents don't like it you just have to explain the benefits to them. Rats are lots of fun to play with and you'll NEVER get tired of them. They are very easy to take care of (as opposed to ferrets, etc.) and if you get two or more they will keep each other entertained most of the time and you won't absolutely have to handle them for more than an hour or so every day, but they'll never get tired of you! They also keep themselves very clean and don't smell too bad (again, as opposed to ferrets).
A Gerbil!
there very social and should be kept in same sex pairs. they dont bite. they love human interaction but dont demand it. since they are desert animals they dont urinate as much as other rodents, so there cages/tanks smell less. therefore you only have to clean there cage every 2-3 weeks. there not nocturnal instead they have many wake/sleep cycles throught the day and usually wake up when you enter the room. and there just so cute [:
i would get gerbils or hamsters or ferrets. gerbils dont bite at all unless they are angry or they smell food on your hands. hamsters are nice but are nocturnal. so if u get a squeaky wheel, u might be up all night listening to the wheel. hamsters do not usually bite but they will if u wake them from sleep or smell food on your hands. ferrets are cute and they usually dont bite.but if they are in the stage where they are losing baby teeth then they will chew on dangerous things-including your toes. on occasion ferrets will nip and have a mean temper. they are expensive and they sometimes do stink. but they can be a very loving pet and they will be like part of the family even though they might steel something that belongs to someone and they need to have a lot of attention and care. they have a lot more health problems then the small pets. another pet i do reccomend is a degu. they are very social animals just like gerbils and it would be better if kept with another degu. they are very playful and curious and a degu can live up to 10 years if it is healthy. they will bite if they are uncomfortable.but when they are tamed they are really affectionate.degus will cost areout $50-just for the animal- in a pair but it is worth it cuz they make a great pet. i hope u get a cute pet!!
I would say a rat.
I have had gerbils, hamster, mice and rats and rats are by far the best. Rats do not bite and aren't that hard to take care of as long as you get 2. I would recommend 2 or 3 females but if you are only allowed one i would spend a lot of time with it. If you aren't aloud rats or a rat then i would recommend a hamster but they bite and aren't as fun or as smart as rats.
depends on you. if you enjoy small critters than a hamster (preferably Russian dwarf or Syrian)would be good although they are more active during the day. a guinea pig is also ideal as they are active during the day and are friendly. Rabbits are also a good option but be warned as they carry fatal diseases such as myxomatosis
rat rat rat rat. they are so smart. tell your parents they are as smart as a dog and you can teach them how to come to you when they cal your name. a male is generally more laid back and just like a head scratch while females tend to be more happy and excited and hyper but are just as great pets. males are a little more smellier and urine mark more while females dont and males have hugeee balls
Mice are great fun. Get two females- company for each other and they don't smell- the males have got quite a strong smell. Fill a big glass tank with hay, twigs, toilet rolls, moss etc- they love making nests and runways. Put a lid on the tank- they can jump really high!
a rat persuade ur parents or whioever. they are amazin
u can train them like dogs n just leave them runing around ur room also mine have never bitten me or any1
Theyre are real;ly fiendly n cute n u can train then like u would a dog
They come on command will lick u on command n i used to hide treats under these different colour brick things n ten say the colour n he would no which one it was in
Sirecly they are amazin pets
GUINEA PIG!!!!!!!!!!
OK OK YOU SAID NOT THAT, SO THE .........NEXT ...... THING........ ON......... MY ........LIST .....IS...................
dWARF HAMSTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
SUGAR GLIDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
A VIRTUAL PET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
AND UM........... me!!!!
WELL im quite oudourless!?
lulu xxx
all rodents are nice to have... you can tell if they bite a lot when you first handle them. and by how they act. hamster are nice mouse are to.
i love ferrets but they kinna smell and they like to steal things and they need alot of attention but they are sooo much fun.. you could just get a mouse or a gerbil or somethin...
If you can't get a guinea pig I'd say a Russian Hamster, I've got two and they never bite. And they are very funny to watch ;)
i have many rats and hamsters and 3 gerbils... they are all great pets but id say get a rat... they are very clean and affectionate animals
Hamster! their soo cute and fun when properly trained.:P
Guinea pigs are lovely, real characters. They are also great for all age groups-I have 3
get a gerbil, they don't bite at all. i haver one. Her name is Presley. :]]]
all rodent are the same
get a cute little white mouse!
robo dwarf hamster or a ferret if thats legal where you are
you should get a chinchilla. They are REALLY soft and cute!
a nice rat. honest
a rat they interact best i love them
A ferret isn't a rodent, and they require a LOT of attention and care. They have more health problems, than rodents. They're expensive to keep. They're somewhat like dogs, in the way that they need annual shots, need tons of play time, and you must be prepared in case of any emergencies that come up. It'd be safe to have $1,000-$2,000 set aside in case any problems arise that require money right on the spot. I do not recommend them unless you're willing to do tons of research and meet a few before getting them.
Gerbils are social, and should be kept in same sex pairs. Rats are very social, and should always be kept in pairs or more. Degus are not for everyone, and like any other pet, you must research a lot before deciding to get them. They, also, are social and should be kept in same sex pairs or groups.
From what you've stated, I would recommend a hamster or a pair of gerbils. Syrian hamsters (also known as teddy bears, black bears, panda bears, honey bears, goldens, dalmations, etc.) are solitary, meaning only one per cage. Dwarf hamsters, on the other hand, can be kept in pairs as long as they come from the same litter at the same time. Gerbils should be kept in same sex pairs.
I recommend you do research on the rodents you're interested in and choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and the care you can provide.
If you'd like more information on gerbils, feel free to e-mail me. I'd be glad to help answer them and get you on the right track to being a good gerbil owner.
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