Sunday, February 7, 2010

Which pet rodent should I get?

I only have enough cage space for a mouse/mice, dwarf hamster(s), hamster, or gerbils. I already have two gerbils, which do you think I should get from the list?Which pet rodent should I get?
A fancy mouse from the nearest pet store makes a good pet. I have owned two and have one right now. I would not get a cage with all the tubes because they are really hard to clean. Fancy mice only cost $5 or if you want to go cheap you can get a feeder mouse the ones with red eyes, they are as cheap as 25 cents.

And my mice that I have had never bit me they were they kindest rodent I ever owned. If you decide to go with a hamster I would get a black bear they are smarter and much more friendly than the Siberian hamster which tends to bite.And don't put to male mice together they might fight mice do not get along very well with each other.Which pet rodent should I get?


- cute



-funny to watch

-easy to take care of


-poop's alot


-can escape depending on cage

~Hope you get a mousy Oh and here are some good names




















~Good luck!
black bear hamster they are cute , fun , friendly , and never bite. hope u get a black bear hamster
I'd say try something new. Hairless hamsters are awesome if you can find them. Not many people like them, but I think they're completely adorable. ';鈥? They look like little aliens. When I was running the Pet Care dept. at PetSmart, I always had these little guys on hand and even people who were initially repulsed grew to love the lil guys.
Get a mouse. Hamsters are so obnocious and they bite. I had one and it spend the entire night biting a hole in it's plastic cage so that it could escape. Rediculous.
hamster(so cute!)
A dwarf hamster would be better. Rats and rodents like that would eat it but a hamster would get along with a gerbil cause they are closer in relation to each other.
It depends on what size cage you ahve now and how old are the gerbils. If the gerbils are still babies and you have either a 10 gallon tank for their home or a wire cage about that size I would say get another pair of gerbils. If the gerbils are adults or have a smaller cage then get 1 of the other three. Personally I like dwarfs, my neighbor has 2, my friend is watching one now, and they are all pretty friendly once they get to know you. My other friend had mice, and they were really timid even after they were handled a lot. So persoanlly I would get 1 dwarf hamster. You can keep them in a smaller cage then a normal Syrian hamster (my sister keeps her Syrian in one of the Rat start up cages) Hope This Help!!!

By the way, make sure you devote at least half an hour per day to social lize with each rodent you have.

Good Luck!!!!
i love mice but since u have some gerbils so why dont u get another one? from what i heard different kinds of rodents dont really get along with each other. especially if one is smaller.
They are all great animals. Mice are really fast and might escape and you might not want more gerbils so if I were you I would get a dwarf hamster or a regular hamster. All pets need to be tamed, so take your time with your new animal and be gentle.
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