Sunday, February 7, 2010

Easiest pet rodent to care for?

Which rodent (or cavy) is the easiest to care for? I am looking for something that would be VERY low maintenence. Maybe something that doesn't need to be fed daily. What do you think?Easiest pet rodent to care for?
Well, no rodent is low maintenance. they all require attention. they should be played with so they aren't scared of you, they should be fed and given fresh water everyday. if you're looking for something you dont really have to take care of, i would suggest not getting an animal for yourself.Easiest pet rodent to care for?
Since rodents are mammals, they are going to require some level of care.

I would suggest a gerbil or a hamster. They CAN be left alone for a couple days every once in a while. Just give them lots of food and water. maybe they are not what your looking for, though because you should take them out at least every other day.

If you are thinking of getting something where you can leave it alone for days at a time, then reptiles are the way to go. They can go for a long long while without food and you don't have to take them out of their cage very often at all.

If your wanting something VERY low maintenance, I wouldn't get a mammal.
I'm going with the hamster too. They are fine by themselves. You can fill up the food dish and water bottle every 2 days. (Even if the water bottle is still full, do change it. Leaving stale water in the bottle is disgusting.) Clean the cage once a week.

Do a little research first on the right sized cage. Something with the surface area of a 10 gallon tank would be good. A lot of the critter trail plastic cages are too small and easy for the hamster to chew through. Meanwhile, I have watched hamsters and gerbils go crazy chewing on the bars of those metal bar cages to the point they had a little bald raw spot above their nose. 10 gallons and pine... or preferably aspen... litter. NO cedar.
I would suggest getting a hamster. It does require work such as cleaning out the cage once a week, changing its water and food once in at least 2 days, but they are one of the most easiest rodents to take care of.

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