Sunday, February 7, 2010

What Kind Of Rodent Is This?

My cats bought it in this afternoon and I'm not entirely convinced if it is a mouse or rat. Kind Of Rodent Is This?
It looks like your cat has somehow got hold of a gerbil! That is definitely not a chinchilla, rat or mouse.

Here is a picture for comparison:鈥?/a>

I would ask around and see if anyone in the neighbourhood has lost or released a gerbil. I'm afraid you probably need to break the news to them so they know what happened to their pet. Cats will be cats!What Kind Of Rodent Is This?
That is definately a Degu, more than likely somebody's escaped pet. Degus have the slight appearence of a chinchilla, with the fluffy tail and such. I suggest you watch your cats more carefully, as they might have killed someone's beloved pet. =(
Omg thats creepy lol how big is it? Sorry at first i thought it was a kangaroo rat or chinchilla but i just looked them up and yeah.... I think its just a big white rat.... with a hairy tail.... Sorry... but its really weird lol
looks like it could be a degu. thats kinda like a mini chinchilla.

or it could be a kangaroo rat.

hope i helped!
It looks like a gerbil to me from the looks of the tail and the head shape..
It is definitely a white rat. A mouse is way smaller than that.
Probably a white rat. Don't worry about it.
It's a sort of rat
That was not fun to look at.... but it does look like a gerbil.
it looks like a degu

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