Sunday, February 7, 2010

What pet rodent do u think is the cutest?

I LOVE guinea pigs!!!!!!!!What pet rodent do u think is the cutest?
Each species has a charm of its own. Mice are adorable b/c they're so tiny %26amp; acrobatic. Rats are awesome b/c they're smart %26amp; so much fun to play with. Hamsters have those cute cheek pouches. Guinea pigs are quirky, charming %26amp; cuddly.

I've only seen gerbils, degus %26amp; sugar gliders in pictures but they're all cute %26amp; sugar gliders look like some fantasy creature. These 3 aren't allowed as pets in my state (CA).What pet rodent do u think is the cutest?
CongRATulations on getting best answer Catkin :)


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rats are cute too.

i have a rat.
auctually i have a hamster but I think rabbits are so cute.
Ratties! they are fun sweet and trainable! (mine can use a litter box!)
african soft furred/natal rats they look cute but have a bit of temper when not socialized. also dumbo rats, who could resist a goofy looking rat with huge droopy ears???
I 鈾?all rodents!! They r all cute and adorable. Evil or not.

I 鈾?from chinchillas to rats!! I luv all of the little rodents in the world!!
I'd say guina Pigs because they are like a little puppy but also ferrets are cute too because they are very playful!
dwarf hamsters
I'd have to say it's a tie between guinea pigs and bunnies.
Rats are the cutest!

When they clean their faces with their little paws, awwwwwwwwww so cute!
Rats, I love mine!
Chinchillas and rats! That's why I have both, too cute to pass up!!! :D
I love ALL rodents but probably mice the most :)

They are so cute and fun but rats etc. are also adorable.

Honestly, I really can't say. Every rodent is cute, some have cuter characteristics than others, but the other one has something cuter, too. They're all really tied for me.
Biased opinion here :)

Pet rats of course. I mean, who can resist these faces?;q=鈥?/a>


';my life has gone to the Rats';
I think Black Bear hamsters and rats are the cutest!!!!!!!

But HORSES are the CUTEST animals in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!鈥?At least thats my opinion
guinea pigs but also, take a look at sugar gliders! they're cute to! really cute!
Rat, ginea pig. I have them bot and they are SOOOO cute!
I like guinea pigs, chinchillas, dwarf hamsters, and that's bout it. (i have a hammy)
Rats! They are the cutest AND the friendliest!

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