Friday, February 12, 2010

WHat is the easiest rodent to care for?

NOT A PET ROCK!WHat is the easiest rodent to care for?
a rock isnt a rodent... nor is a weasel

they are all pretty similar really - fresh food and water every day, and clean out once a week.

rats need lots of attention, and guinea pigs, chinchillas and degus need lots and lots of space.

rats, mice, degus, gerbils and guinea pigs all do much better in groups or pairs

hamsters are the most commonly kept rodent. they dont need to be kept in groups, they syrians are particularly friendly, and since they are so common, there are now loads and loads of things to make taking care of them easier.

i'll say a syrian hamster.

even so, they still need all the care you can give to them :)WHat is the easiest rodent to care for?
I think that rats or mice would be the easiest, also guinne pigs.

Rats do need a lot of stimulation, but they also crave human attention and can be litter box trained. This really helps with cage clean-up!

Daily needs: food, water, human attention, litter box cleaned out, something to chew on.

Mice don't need a whole lot of space. I used to breed them and kept them in a 10 gallon aquarium with out any problems, although many many people will tell you that aquariums are not good for them. They are *cute* but don't really care to be handled like rats do.

Daily needs: food, water, cage cleaned out once a week, something to chew on. Mice really need a wheel to be happy.

Guinne pigs need a lot of ground space, and unlike mice and rats need timothy hay as well. They are sweet but can be a lot more timid and scared than rats or mice. They make more intersting noises, though, and will definetly sqeak when they are hungry.

Daily needs: food (including hay), water, cage cleaned out once a week, something to chew on.

I think those are definetly the three easist to care for. Hamsters are easy but in my opinon are something you watch and don't handle. Most hamsters in my experiance are meanies and will bite, and some are so tiny and fragile.

Hope this helps!

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